The proposal of the
Union Minister for Women and Child Development for a law which would make it
mandatory for husbands to deposit a certain percentage of their monthly income
as wages to the wives for the household chores performed by the wives is bizarre
and preposterous. There are, no doubt, drawbacks in many families. Yet the
Indian family is still the most reliable social security institution, and the
husband – wife relationship has been considered sacred for many millennia in
Indian society. A wife is considered Grihalakshmi or Goddess of the household.
Manu, the law giver, said: “Where a woman is honoured, there reside the gods”. An
Indian wife would not accept household duties as chores to be paid. Such a view
is sheer insult to wifehood and her integrity.
The Minister
Ms.Krishna Tirath is of the opinion that mandatory monthly payment to wives is intended
for socio – economic empowerment of women. Female literacy; higher education,
skill development and employment opportunities for women; protection of women
from rape and domestic violence; and increased participation of women in
legislatures are some of the measures that the Minister and her government
should undertake in all seriousness and sincerity for empowering Indian woman.
The Minister adds that “working in homes is economic activity and it will give
us a truer reflection of what the GDP of our country is”. A strange explanation
from a Minister ; no country on earth has attempted such a misadventure.
It would be
disastrous to monetize marriage and commoditize husband -wife relationship.
Sudha Ramalingam, lawyer and social activist, comments: “ Relationships are not
commodities that can be measured in money’s worth”. Psychiatrist Vijay
Nagaswami warns that “adding monitory value to the relationship” between
husband and wife “would ruin the family fabric”.
If ever the
Minister’s proposal is translated into a law, the husband – wife relationship
would become employer – employee relationship in the families. Many labour laws
will extend to the families. Or else, new laws will have to be made. In that
event unionism among wives and collective bargaining cannot be ruled out.
Wages, incentives and bonus could be contentious issues. The Minister informed
that a mechanism would be devised to quantify and calculate the value of work
which the wives do for their families. India will need an unimaginable
Orwellian bureaucracy to implement the law.The Minister’s idea is a grave threat to Indian families.