Monday, January 12, 2015


Science is systematically accumulated body of knowledge. For the sake of discussion science may be categorised into modern science and ancient science. Modern science is the knowledge after the Industrial Revolution. It has,thus,a history of around two centuries. The science and technology after the Industrial Revolution and the rise of capitalism in the West made phenomenally rapid expansion. Ancient science has been evolving steadily in different societies . But the colonisation of most countries by Western powers and the massive exploitation of the weak nations by the capitalist-colonial hegemony retarded and in many instances paralysed the continuity of the ancient science. India is one such exploited nation.

Italian mathematician of the 12th century Leonardo Fibonacci acknowledged in his writing  the pioneering contributions of Hindus in the fields of algebra.arithmetics,algorithm,geometry and astronomy. It is he who introduced the new Indian numerals (now popularly known as Arabic numerals ) through Arabic texts to Europe. There is universal acceptance of the path breaking invention of ZERO by Indian mathematicians  around 520 AD .Prominent names mentioned in the invention of 0 are Arya Bhatta and Varaha Mihira. 0 opened the world of mathematics and other sciences  to many frontiers of knowledge.

Ayurveda, the Indian system of medicine has a history of more than 5,000 years .Classical Sanskrit text on medicine Susrat Samhita describes anatomical science much ahead of Hippocrates.Well known writer and International diplomat Shashi Tharoor says that there is no doubt that Sage Susrata was the first surgeon in the world .He performed surgeries using certain instruments within the constraints of his period . Despite lack of support from the World Health Organization which favoured  Western allopathic medicine with enormous funding support ,Ayurveda has survived to be a globally sought after system of health care even by thousands and thousands of patients from UK,US and European countries.

Many Sanskrit texts contain rich information on various scientific themes .Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen has admiration for Sanskrit ,which according to him , is more than a mere language.Germans understood the value of Sanskrit and utilised the knowledge for research .But in India, Sanskrit learning has been inhibited by successive governments. The present Indian government has realised the value of our own prestigious language and has made it compulsory for Students under the Central Board of Secondary Education. Sanskrit is now acknowledged as a computer friendly language besides its other advantages.

Recently at the I02th Indian Science Congress, Captain Anand  J Boda presented a well documented paper on " Vedic Science through Sanskrit" and the section on Vedic Science was the most sought after session ( on 4,January ,2015 ). Expectedly various dissenting voices were raised by politicians and scientific followers of "vote bank" politicians. New political and ideological squabbles prevented an objective understanding of the contents of the paper by Capt .Boda.Many did not even hesitate to reject anything by ancient Indians preferring only what the Westerners say : unabashed colonial mentality of the worst order. The government of India may extend funding support to objective minded researchers to document the efforts of early Indians to expand the frontiers of knowledge for the benefit of humanity.

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